There’s nothing more annoying than turning on your air conditioning unit and finding nothing happening. Hi Tech PTAC NY Conditioning Services' servicing and support team can minimize this risk with ongoing, preventative maintenance as well as a comprehensive repair program.

We offer full service contracts with all our air conditioning and climate control installations to ensure you get the most from your equipment, all year round. Regular servicing maximizes the life of the HVAC units and minimizes the risk of minor problems going unnoticed and turning into long-term damage.

And if Hi Tech PTAC NY Conditioning Services didn't supply your equipment, we would be happy to tailor a service contract around your needs, whether it is a single unit, a multi system or a larger-scale VRF/VRV - we will give you a competitive, all-inclusive service and a great service at that.

Ecological Transfer Expense Is Incorporated As A Secured Thing Under The Understanding As It Identifies With Secured Parts, Things Supplanted That Are Not Secured Might Be Liable To This Charge.

Likewise included is a Preventative Maintenance Inspection, which gives the accompanying :

  1. Check air handler channels. Clean or supplant as necessary.
  2. Check for satisfactory refrigerant charge.
  3. Check condenser and clean if necessary.
  4. Grease up condenser fan motor.
  5. Check condenser fan cutting edges for tightness.
  6. Fix electrical associations at equipment.
  7. Check voltage at unit under load.
  8. Check condensate deplete for blockage. Spotless as necessary.
AC Repairs